Will try to be a tad more up-lifting today - seems my last post was pretty dark and gloomy. While this whole surgery recovery thing is definitely a roller-coaster ride, I remain committed to get my health back and regain the strength and flexibility (OK, maybe I can shoot a little higher on the strength and flexibility thing this time!) I had prior to the surgery.
On the good news front - I rarely use the walker anymore so ready to retire that bad boy. It is kind of handy as a utility cart as I hang some needed items from it and keep it close in case I need something. It might find a home in the garage as I could hang my tools from it for any future projects.
Also, have been walking outside more and more. Making trips to near-by parks and going for longer walks with Donna. I now understand why parks have lots of park benches. I use them often now where before I would just go on by. The bad side of this walking is to be wary of the fine line between enough and too much walking. When I push it too much, I pay dearly the next day (night) - last night has a perfect example - walked a lot yesterday afternoon and paid the price starting around 2 AM this morning - ugh.
The other positive (I think) is that I'm trying to wean myself from the narcotic meds originally prescribed. The problem here is just when I think I have it down to extra-strength Tylenol as the only thing needed for handling any pain, I run into a particularly bad night where something a little stronger is needed to take the pain edge away. Like I said, last night was one of those nights and I ended up taking a Hydrocodene pill this morning to get on top of the discomfort. Also threw in a Valium for good measure as my leg was particularly bothersome all night and this morning. Feeling tolerable now as I write this.
On the not-so-good news front - there's still considerable weakness in the right leg. I really notice it when I go down a stair with the wrong foot first (one of the things I learned during therapy while at the hospital). Lead with your strong leg going up steps and lead with your weak leg going down steps. If I get that wrong (I know, I know, but there's just a lot to think about when I'm walking around) I really get a big twinge in the back - hurts like a mother for a moment or 2. Nothing serious but a reminder that I screwed up. I'm guessing once PT finally gets started, rebuilding leg strength in the weak leg will be one of the top priorities.
I continue to sleep a lot and have had some awesome naps (but let's be honest, aren't ALL naps awesome?). Just wish I could get my stamina back a little more - not sure work will be overly thrilled when I nod off for a 2 hour nap during a client meeting. Speaking of work - still no time table on when I can go back. The narcotics really put a damper on that plan as I need to be 100% clear-headed (at least for me anyway) before I can safely drive to and from work plus not be a drooling idiot with a client. I'm thankful for their patience and hope it continues going forward.
Finally, my posting today wouldn't be complete without my from-the-bottom-of-the-heart Thanks to Donna for all she does. Her concern and care for me is beyond humbling and if there's lesson #1 through all this is that I truly hit the Lottery when we found each other. She is the reason I keep fighting, try to keep my complaining to a minimum, and remain committed to getting better. Thanks Donna, I love you more than I can say.
Let's ALL have a good week - smile at a stranger, help a friend in need, tell a loved one that you love them. Do the things we all know we should do but sometimes don't take the time. And be thankful for your health - it really is at the heart of how we act each and every day.
I'm surrounded by the best support system anyone can ask for and will continue to pay-it-forward when I can.
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